16 ft Selva D470 is a semi-rigid vessel that is manufactured in Italy, very carefully well-thought-out designed, and has a very high-quality finish.
Semi-rigid means that the base of 16 ft Selva D470 is made of fiberglass and its perimeter is filled with pressurized air. You can enjoy the max speed of 10.00 knots and cruise speed of 7.00 knots.
16 ft Selva D470 sails faster than any other does! Why it is too faster by law, all non-licensed boats have the same motor (15 HP); therefore, the boat weight and friction with water affect the speed. As the 16 ft, Selva D470 is lighter than rigid hull boats and floats well. Therefore, Selva sails faster.
16 ft Selva D470 is switched on with a key and is controlled with an exciting wheel. This speedboat is very calm to handle. We will give you a brief clarification at the port that how to ride it and then you can go out and enjoy it!
Departure from San Antonio, you can enjoy sailing to the whole area contained within Salada Beach (North) and Tarida Beach (South). There are more than 10 beaches for you to enjoy.
Come & enjoy the great beauty of secret retreats on the Ibiza coast, a perfect place for avoiding overcrowding and enjoying more!
Full day’s rental: 11:00 till sunset.
½-day morning rental: 10:30 to 15:30.
½-day afternoon rental: 16:30 till sunset.
License: Not necessary (anyone who is above 18 can drive it).
Trip Details
16 英尺 Selva D470 是一艘在意大利制造的半刚性船只,经过深思熟虑的设计和非常高质量的成品。半刚性意味着 16 英尺 Selva D470 的底座由玻璃纤维制成,其周边充满压缩空气。您可以享受最大速度 10.00 节和巡航速度 7.00 节。
16 英尺的 Selva D470 航行速度比任何其他船只都快!为什么法律规定它太快了,所有无执照的船都有相同的马达(15 HP);因此,船的重量和与水的摩擦力会影响速度。由于 16 英尺的 Selva D470 比刚性船体船轻,并且漂浮性好。因此,塞尔瓦航行得更快。
16 英尺的 Selva D470 用钥匙打开,并用激励轮控制。这艘快艇驾驭起来非常冷静。我们会在港口给您简单说明一下如何乘坐,然后您就可以出去玩了!
全天租金:11:00 至日落。
½ 天早租:10:30 至 15:30。
½ 天下午租金:16:30 至日落。
与我的 6 口之家一起浮潜的美好一天。水很平静,只有 6 英尺深,但海洋生物令人惊叹。甚至抓了一些龙虾。